NOTE: This is a re-post from the blog on our fund-raising website, We’re consolidating all the stories from our 2011 Missions Trip over here on

Carmen Shares the Gospel at the Mall Food Court

Hi I’m Carmen, I’m a Christian …

There is a big shopping mall across the street from Agape church, where the school of worship is being hosted. Saturday night we grabbed a bite to eat at the Food Court with staffers Carmen, Raul and a student named Claudio.

We had a great discussion of many things about God and faith. After we ate, Carmen says, “I gotta tell somebody about my Jesus!” She looks around the food court, sees a table full of people and starts talking to them. A girl accepted Christ right then and there! We were blown away. I had my camcorder and asked Carmen to tell the story:

[tentblogger-youtube VZfRYIEuOCc]

Pretty cool, huh?

Personal Minutia

Well I arrived with all my luggage in tact and on-time, first time on 2 years! Too bad, cause I was prepared this time for my one checked bag not to show up. Oh well, I rejoice in our good fortune. It was little over 20 hours from the time we left home till I landed in Timisoara. The weather is mild and pleasant right now.

The internet access is dicey, but I’ll try to report as much as I can.

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