You can plan your year on this uber cool gigantic full year planning calendar. There's an additional 10% discount just for my blog readers. Pretty awesome, huh? Find out more at the end of this post.
So, how’s the new year going so far?
In yesterday’s post I shared 3 Biblical Principals for Goal Setting. In today’s post I’m happy to curate the Best New Year’s Motivational Blog Posts for 2012.
I’ve never been a big “new years resolutions” guy, but I definitely believe in setting clear goals. By setting goals I’ve accomplished far more that I ever thought possible. I’ve built a dream recording studio, produced music for some of the biggest brands in America, traveled the world, earned a masters degree, finished a half-marathon.
I know that writing down goals, making a plan and taking action works.
Anyway, here’s a collection of inspiring articles by outstanding bloggers on this theme. Read them and have an awesome year.
An Opposing Point of View
How to Have the Best Year of Your Life (without Setting a Single Goal) This is a very intriguing angle by one of my favorite writers, Jeff Goins guest posting on Zen habits. Jeff makes a very good case for accomplishing more by creating new habits.
“Create good, sustainable habits that you enjoy, and you’ll end up with a life you can be proud of.”Â
Very true.
The Difference Between Dreaming and Starting Another inspiring, motivational article by Jeff that fits the new year theme.
Something Completely Different
Starting Over “A Manifesto On Being Yourself†by Michael Perkins. A very fresh perspective, complete with a quick and easy to read downloadable book. It’s completely handwritten, inspiring and a “must read”. He makes the case that in a noisy world , following formulas, parody and being anything other than “you” is a complete waste. Go get it now.
These Are Easy
10 Easy New Year Resolutions You Can Actually Keep by pastor and leadership blogger Ron Edmundson. This is an encouraging read, simple and do-able. These are resolutions you can actually keep.
Consistent Yearly Resolutions That Work and Have You Started… Yet?  by blogging guru John Saddington over at Tentblogger . “Experiment more, Deeper Relationships, Enjoy Thyself.” Love it.
More Great Advice on Goal Setting
 Forget Goals – Plan for Being Happy in 2012 by business consultant Jeff Korhan. “When you ask yourself what will make you happy you add a giant dose of reality to the goal setting process.”
My 3 Words for 2012 by Chris Brogan. Instead of goals, “come up with 3 words that will help you define your goals and experiences for the coming year.”
His were “Temple, Untangle, Practice”.
Mine ? How about “Grow, Ship, Enjoy”
What are yours? Throw it down in the comments.
The Shocking Truth About Goal Setting by John Richardson at SuccessBeginsToday.org. This site has a TON of excellent resources and practical advice for planning and setting goals.
 A Picture For The Year
Pic for the Year (#Pic4year) 2012Â by Christian author Mary DeMuth. Go beyond just words this year and pick a picture that communicates your theme. Her writing is full of healing. Definitely check out her other post: My 2012 Prayer For You
Get Fit and Get Clear
A Compact Guide to Creating the Fitness Habit on Zen Habits (Leo Babauta)Â is a very common sense approach to developing the behaviors that will keep you in shape.
The Clutterfat Challenge: Transform Your Living Space in a Month if you want to simplify and get rid of clutter in your world, what Leo calls “Clutterfat”, check this out.
Well there you have it, the Best New Years Motivational Blog Posts for 2012.
The Calendar & 10% Discount
You can plan your year on this uber cool gigantic full year planning calendar. It’s on sale now at Neuyear.net . I liked it so much when I saw their website I bought one. And there’s no affiliate deal on this for me, I just like the calendar. You will too, especially with an additional 10% discount just for my blog readers.
Pretty awesome, huh? Just enter the word “ROB” at the checkout.
Thanks for reading. I hope this was useful to you.
Are there any other blog posts you would recommend to make this the best year yet?
What are your 3 theme words?Â