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I’m thrilled to share with you a great new worship CD by Allison Park Worship “Undying Love.”  They are led by uber worship blogger David Santistevan. David is  Creative Arts Pastor at Allison Park Church in Pittsburgh, PA.

This is their first project and it’s probably the most sophisticated debut church worship project I’ve ever heard. Take a blend of Mumford & Sons, Gungor, Hillsongs and Jesus Culture – mix in unique, creative arrangements with powerful lyrics and you’ve got “Undying Love”

Undying Love: Allison Park Worship

Undying Love: Allison Park Worship

I sat down for coffee with David the other day and we chatted on Skype about the project.

This is a casual conversation where we talk about the story behind the project and the creative process of making it. There were some glitches in the video recording, sorry about that.




This project is the fruit of David’s songwriting process outlined in this great little e-book, The Worship Songwriter.


It’s inspiring what a local church can do with inspiration, passion and leadership.




Undying Love is released December 4 on I-Tunes. Let’s support these guys and buy a copy!

Kudos and well done, Allison Park!

Here’s a screenshot from our video conversation.

David Santistevan Interview

Stay in the loop! :

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