Last week I had the privilege of sharing my story with the students at Visible School of Music and Worship Arts College in Memphis, TN.

I met the founder and totally cool guy Ken Steorts in Hungary a few years ago where I was Director of Worship for the Sozo International Music and Arts Festival. I was invited to share about my experiences in music entrepreneurship and worship ministry. Yes, an unusual combination, but that’s my story.

My talk was about how I started out producing music for advertising, built a successful business, and transitioned into worship ministry. When I got out of college with a music degree, there was not a clear path to figure out how to make a living doing it.   I shared some timeless and universal principles I learned.  I’ll feature these in a blog series “Principles for Starting Out in Business.”

Visible Students are awesome!


It just so happened that the Songwriting Program led by  VS Alumni Andy Newton is conducting a jingle contest to promote their Pancake Breakfast fundraiser coming up.


So I recorded this little ditty … just for fun.

[tentblogger-youtube Dx4uNQjWzSs]

I love pancakes … and Visible School.