NOTE: This post continues my  Mission Trip 2012 series.
The Scoala de Inchinare (School of Worship) in Timisoara is a 4 week  intensive worship training school hosted at Timisoara Christian Center (Agape Church). I’m honored to have taught “Practical Theology of Worship” and “Songwriting” at all 7 editions of the school since it began in 2006.
Young adults come from every geographic location and denomination (including Orthodox) in the nation. Most of the students are housed and fed on campus.
This post is a slice of  student life at the Scoala de Inchinare.
7am Prep
Dawn begins before 6am this time of year in the Balkan region of eastern Europe.
Worship Dude grabs a pic for Facebook.
By 7am, Raul is up and headed down to the bucătărie (kitchen) to supervise the breakfast crew.
A 2008 alum, Â has returned for his second stint as Staff. He’s a translator as well as serving in a role similar to an RA (Residential Assistant), he helps oversee student life in the dorms.
Raul represents the culture of leadership that has evolved and returned to serve the growing school. There are now over 200 graduates serving the Lord throughout Romania.Â
7:30 – 8:00 Devotions
Personal Devotion Time for the students. The Scoala is on a daily bible reading plan. Today’s reading was Numbers 5 and 1 Corinthians 1:1-17.
The assigned Old and New Testament scriptures are required reading.
8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast
Breakfast is only for the students living in the dorms. It’s a simple, European continental offering. Today was salami, tomato, cheese, bread and jam.
Sorry, there ain’t no eggs, bacon and grits ’round here. What’s a country boy to do?
8:45 Devotional Intercessory Prayer
This is the first group meeting and students are required to be on time. Character and discipline is held to a high standard. Two students will share a devotional thought based on the scripture reading and then lead a prayer based on the theme.
This a fervent prayer time!
9:00 – 9:30 Morning Worship
The first week worship was led by various accomplished worship leaders, either graduates or other local leaders. From the second week onward, worship is led by student groups.
Morning worship is minunat (wonderful!)
9:30 – 10:45 Lecture Class #1
Students are instructed in these courses:
- Practical Theology of Worship – Level I (Rob Still)

Level 1 Theology of Worship. “The Bible is a big book with a lot of information.” By the end of the week we will know it all. NOT.
- Identity (Costel) – no pic available
- Worship Leadership (Pica)
- The Heart of The Artist (Pica)
- The Leaders Freedom (Tom Johnson)
- Mentoring Leaders (Tom Johnson)
- Discovering Worship (Genu)
- Music Theory (Genu)
- Practical Theology of Worship Level II (Rob Still)
11:00 – 12:15 Lecture Class #2
Classes rotate or continue per schedule.
12:30 – 1:30 Lecture Class #3
Classes rotate or continue per schedule.
1:30 – 2:30 Pranz (Lunch)
2:30 – 4:30 Voice and Instrumental Instruction
- Vocal Group A (Randy Morgan)
- Vocal Group B (Cristy )
- Acoustic Guitar Beginner (Johnny Kui)
- Acoustic Guitar Advanced (Johnny Kui)
- Keyboards Beginner (Florin )
- Keyboards Advanced (Darius)
- Drums (Emi Kui)
- Bass (Pica)
4:30 – 5:00 Break
The team leading afternoon worship will set-up and sound check during this time.
5:00 – 5:30 Afternoon Worship
This has frequently been led by a local church team, often involving graduates from the school.
Generally loud and rockin.
5:30 – 7:00 pm Songwriting
I taught the first week using a fair amount of show and tell.
Beck Corlan was a special guest on Friday.
Then Zoli taught in Romanian Mon – Wed of second week.
Students are assigned to write songs. This class is casual and a a lot of fun.
I employ a lot of the ideas from the Belmont Songwriters guild to encourage creative expresson.
The grads are writing great songs in Romanian that churches are singing.Â
7:00 CINA (Dinner)
This is a simpler fare, usually one dish, bread and a fruit or desert. Only for residential students.
8:00 – 11:00 Free Time
Students hang out, play games or take a walk to town.
or just hanging out in the dorm …
11:00 Lights Out
As you can see the days are long and intense. The Staff is very serious about the lights out policy.
If you subscribe to my e-mail newsletter, I’ll tell you some behind the scenes stories. 🙂
NOTE: This post is part of my on-going Mission Trip 2012 series.