Practical “How to” do technical stuff

Praying With Accuracy Audiobook

“Praying With Accuracy: Ministering to the Needs of Others Through Prayer” is the product of a lifetime of study and ministry experience by evangelist Rick Bonfim. This book studies the ministry of Jesus to direct your prayers for someone’s wholeness. Learn to break through in prayer as you learn to implement the authority given to [...]

By |2020-02-03T23:56:19-06:00February 3rd, 2020|How To, Prayer, Updates|Comments Off on Praying With Accuracy Audiobook

How A Retreat Can Invigorate Your Worship Ministry

We recently held a working retreat for our worship ministry volunteers and it was a big win for all involved. So much so that Seedbed Worship Design Collective published my debreif on how you can do one too. Read the full article “How To Invigorate Your Worship Ministry With A Retreat”  here.  […]


By |2016-10-08T12:05:25-05:00October 8th, 2016|How To, Practical Advice|Comments Off on How A Retreat Can Invigorate Your Worship Ministry

Build An Easy Personal Branding Page With

This is pretty cool. Usually I don’t blog about non-worship related stuff, but today I gotta make an exception. I’ve been wanting a simple one-page “branding” or landing page for a while. But it was … complicated. has made it so simple and easy to use. Best of all, it’s free. [...]

By |2012-06-06T09:44:20-05:00June 5th, 2012|How To|Comments Off on Build An Easy Personal Branding Page With

The Upside of Volunteering

Your people will volunteer freely …. Psalm 110:3 It is more blessed to give than to receive …. Acts 20:25 The church runs on volunteerism. If you have served before, you know that you often get far more than you give. It’s an inherently good and right thing to do for the sheer [...]

By |2012-04-11T16:15:11-05:00April 4th, 2012|How To, Personal|Comments Off on The Upside of Volunteering

How to Plan and Lead Heavenly Worship Team Rehearsals

My blogging friend David Santistevan recently posted about The Rehearsal From Hell and How To Avoid It. It’s a great post and I recommend worship folks check it out. His concluding challenge was “If you blog and have written about rehearsal before, leave a link to your post.” Well I didn’t have a [...]

By |2011-10-12T09:04:19-05:00October 12th, 2011|How To, Practical Advice|Comments Off on How to Plan and Lead Heavenly Worship Team Rehearsals

New! Upcoming Events Page

I found this sweet plug-in called "GigPress" through Michael Hyatt's blog post on favorite Word Press Plugins. to publish event dates & details. So I added an Events page to the blog and, for this post only here's my itinerary for the next 2 months. By the way we will be hosting a Live Webcast [...]

By |2011-07-14T10:21:40-05:00July 14th, 2011|How To|Comments Off on New! Upcoming Events Page

How To Improve a Blog about Worship with Cartoons & Mentors

I’m so excited about these new branding images, part of my extreme web makeover. They were created by the AMAZING Eli Moody. He did a great job listening (“is it that hard to make me look cool ?”) and catching the vision for Worship Dude, I highly recommend him! We’re going to have some [...]

By |2011-04-07T08:30:17-05:00April 7th, 2011|How To, Vision|Comments Off on How To Improve a Blog about Worship with Cartoons & Mentors

Visible School, Pancake Jingle

Last week I had the privilege of sharing my story with the students at Visible School of Music and Worship Arts College in Memphis, TN. I met the founder and totally cool guy Ken Steorts in Hungary a few years ago where I was Director of Worship for the Sozo International Music and Arts Festival. [...]

By |2011-05-03T14:31:21-05:00March 31st, 2011|How To, Personal|Comments Off on Visible School, Pancake Jingle