What, why & how

Song: “Never Alone” A Lesson in Perseverence From Martin Luther King Jr.

[tentblogger-youtube _Jil3iJbywg] I remember the tears welling up when I first heard Martin Luther King 's message "A Knock At Midnight". It  inspired by me to write the song "Never Alone". The story King tells in "A Knock At Midnight" is so raw and emotional. He was despondent. He was desperate. He was at the [...]

By |2013-01-16T18:43:34-06:00January 16th, 2013|Music, Songwriting, Vision|Comments Off on Song: “Never Alone” A Lesson in Perseverence From Martin Luther King Jr.

3 Biblical Principles for Goal Setting [Update]

Note: HAPPY 2013 Ya'll! Here's an updated re-post on goal setting. At this time of year many people reflect, refine and reset their goals. God is keenly interested. He desires to be at the center of our hopes, dreams, goals and plans. Setting goals is essential to happiness and successful living. The Bible has a [...]

By |2013-01-01T10:27:44-06:00January 1st, 2013|Practical Advice, Vision|Comments Off on 3 Biblical Principles for Goal Setting [Update]

2012 in Review / Say Goodbye To Yesterday

Found a great series on doing an annual review and goal setting for the next year from Chris Guillbeau / The Art of Non-Conformity. He starts with two simple questions for refection: 1. What went well? 2. What did not go well? With that catalyst, here’s my 2012 Review. Hope it is helpful to you. [...]

By |2012-12-30T18:18:18-06:00December 29th, 2012|Personal, Vision|Comments Off on 2012 in Review / Say Goodbye To Yesterday

Revisiting 2012’s Best New Year’s Motivational Blog Posts

At the beginning of 2012 I complied the Ultimate Guide To The Best New Years Motivational Blog Posts. Thought I’d share those links with you again before embarking on the 2013 version. The principles and ideas are just as valid for the coming year. […]

By |2012-12-30T18:19:50-06:00December 28th, 2012|Vision|Comments Off on Revisiting 2012’s Best New Year’s Motivational Blog Posts

The Leader’s Heart

Recently I had the opportunity to meet leadership expert, author and super blogger Michael Hyatt at his book signing. This was cool because I had been inspired to write this post after listening to his fantastic podcast  on the topic “The Importance of the Leaders Heart”.  If you’re in any kind of leadership role, I [...]

By |2012-12-30T18:25:44-06:00December 18th, 2012|Leadership, Practical Advice|Comments Off on The Leader’s Heart

How Can A Worship Leader Overcome the “Law of the Lid” ?

Recently I was honored to be part of a Question & Answer forum for worship leaders hosted by WorshipTeamCoach.com  via Skype. [tentblogger-youtube WpXL5pBXaVg] In this video we answer this question: "How have you handled the "Law of the Lid" as you've served in smaller churches under less visionary pastors?" "Law of the Lid" is a term John [...]

By |2012-10-12T14:29:52-05:00October 12th, 2012|Leadership, Practical Advice|Comments Off on How Can A Worship Leader Overcome the “Law of the Lid” ?

How Do You Get Discernment?

More on “Discernment” Part 2 In my previous post I asked  “Do you need discernment”? The question for this post is,  how do you obtain discernment? What do you do when you need wisdom and insight? Here’s some ideas: […]

By |2012-09-20T15:51:49-05:00September 20th, 2012|Missions, Personal, Spirituality, Vision|Comments Off on How Do You Get Discernment?

How Do You Know If You’re Called To Lead Worship?

Recently on my missions trip in Romania, I was asked a compelling question by a young female worshiper. How do you know when you’re called to lead worship? The particular way God calls us to service is unique for each person. […]

By |2019-12-09T20:55:48-06:00September 12th, 2012|Leadership, Practical Advice, Vision|Comments Off on How Do You Know If You’re Called To Lead Worship?

Biblical Character Guidelines for Worship Leaders & Teams, Pt 2

The Scoala de Inchinare is one of the training centers for modern day Levites in Romania A recurring theme during Q&A times on my missions trip to the Balkans concerned character and qualifications for worship team members. Leading worship is important. The spiritual condition of the team members matters because it is primarily [...]

By |2012-08-27T21:57:39-05:00August 20th, 2012|Leadership, Missions, Practical Advice|Comments Off on Biblical Character Guidelines for Worship Leaders & Teams, Pt 2

Biblical Character Necessary for Worship Leaders & Teams Pt.1

Cluj Worship Seminar, Romania On my missions trip to the Balkans, there have been consistent questions regarding issues of character for worship team members. The bible speaks of character requirements for leaders which apply in the worship ministry context. Everyone involved in the worship team – drummer, bass, keys, guitar, singers – is [...]

By |2012-08-28T10:57:28-05:00August 15th, 2012|Leadership, Missions, Practical Advice|Comments Off on Biblical Character Necessary for Worship Leaders & Teams Pt.1