Jesus: A Song for Holy Saturday [Video]

Note: This is a repeat presentation. Today is Holy Saturday. Many traditions use this as a day of rest, reflection, and anticipation. Cause Sunday’s coming. Jesus [Song Video] [tentblogger-youtube 7bhPgSWUpFs] This song is from the project  What Words Can’t Say. It’s about the identity of Christ. I hope it encourages you to reflect on Him [...]

By |2012-04-11T16:16:57-05:00April 7th, 2012|Music, Songwriting|Comments Off on Jesus: A Song for Holy Saturday [Video]

“Never Alone”, Inspired By Martin Luther King Jr

Some time ago I listened to the audio book  The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. original recordings of MLK himself with additional readings by Lavar Burton. I loved hearing the heart and mind of the man through his own voice. The audio book also won a Grammy. To understand Kings perspective and vision in [...]

By |2012-01-16T08:49:33-06:00January 16th, 2012|Leadership, Music, Songwriting|Comments Off on “Never Alone”, Inspired By Martin Luther King Jr

For Those Who Mourn

The first two Saturday’s of the new year I’ve attended a funeral. Sadly, both times, of someone far too young. I have a collection of songs composed either in response to, or anticipation of, death and loss. I’m gathering these together in a collection called “For Those Who Mourn” (free download). Today’s song [...]

By |2012-01-07T07:42:45-06:00January 7th, 2012|Music, Songwriting|Comments Off on For Those Who Mourn

A New Day

Today’s post features the song “A New Day” and was inspired by a really nice tweet I received  yesterday. @robstill Your What Words Can’t Say album is perfect for the start of a new year – it’s a new day! You can get a free download of the song this week on my bandcamp page here. [...]

By |2012-01-04T06:29:16-06:00January 3rd, 2012|Music, Songwriting|Comments Off on A New Day

Song Story: Faithful

Today’s free song download is “Faithful” from my first CD “A Friend of John’s”. Hit the play button and listen as you read along. The chorus is based on the idea that God is faithful, even when we are unfaithful: If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown himself.  2 [...]

By |2011-11-12T09:41:04-06:00November 12th, 2011|Music, Songwriting|Comments Off on Song Story: Faithful

Dash Between The Years

[tentblogger-youtube T7TeivTvtfI] Today was a hard day. And tomorrow I’ll be singing at a family funeral. […]