April 8 Resurrection Sunday Recap

It was a glorious Resurrection Sunday at HFUMC. The new chairs debuted and the gym was filled to capacity. We opened up with a powerful video, bagpipes, and brass quartet. The worship team rocked. Don’s message was stellar and Jenny Lee tore it up singing “Redeemer”. […]

By |2012-04-11T16:15:58-05:00April 8th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on April 8 Resurrection Sunday Recap

April 1 Worship Recap

We celebrated Palm Sunday moving the Contemporary Worship service into the main sanctuary at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church . It’s a really tight turnaround after the traditional service, so set-up and sound check have to happen fast. We’ll be back in the gym next week for Easter. Here’s the worship recap. […]


By |2012-04-01T21:50:55-05:00April 1st, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on April 1 Worship Recap

March 25 Worship Recap

We had a breakthrough this weekend for the Contemporary Worship service at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church as we held our first service in the main sanctuary.  We had been setting up in the gym (stage, PA, hospitality, ect) but there’s another event being held in there this week and next, so to the big [...]

By |2012-03-26T09:54:01-05:00March 26th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on March 25 Worship Recap

March 18 Worship Recap

Wow! Rockin service this Sunday at the Contemporary Worship service of Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. The Youth (New World Generation) Choir opened the service with the song “Lord You Are Welcome in This Place” as the Call to Worship,  then joined the praise team for “Lord You Are Good”. It was an awesome day. [...]

By |2012-03-26T09:00:59-05:00March 18th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on March 18 Worship Recap

February 26 Worship Recap

Feels like one big happy family at the Contemporary Worship service of Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. It was a good day. Big vocal team, all eight of our very good singers participated.  Two kids from the youth team joined us on bass and piano. We really enjoyed worshiping God together. Here’s the worship recap. [...]

By |2012-02-26T22:57:42-06:00February 26th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on February 26 Worship Recap

February 19 Worship Recap

Simple, rockin’ and wholehearted describes today’s Contemporary Worship service at Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. Our drummer Isaac Hall and bassist Curtis Anderson were tight and laying it down, it was a joy to rock with them. The rest of team was “on”, the congregation was engaged,  and we really enjoyed worshiping God together. […]

By |2012-02-19T19:04:58-06:00February 19th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on February 19 Worship Recap

February 12 Worship Recap

This cute video introduced Don’s message. It was a freezing cold day here in Middle Tennessee.  “Love” was the theme at the Contemporary Worship service of Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. […]

By |2012-02-14T10:36:51-06:00February 12th, 2012|Worship Set Lists|Comments Off on February 12 Worship Recap