Feels like one big happy family at the Contemporary Worship service of Hendersonville First United Methodist Church. It was a good day. Big vocal team, all eight of our very good singers participated. Two kids from the youth team joined us on bass and piano. We really enjoyed worshiping God together.
Here’s the worship recap.
- How Great Thou Art
 (chorus only)
- Message: The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father (Don Hutchison)
- Lord Have Mercy (love this song!)
- We featured Mike on a mandolin solo, very nice.
- Offering
- Benediction
- Hold Us Together
 (Matt Maher)
This post is part of the Worship Community Sunday Set list roundup. See what other communities are doing here: http://www.theworshipcommunity.com/sunday-setlists-188/
By the way worship friends, have you seen my interview with Anthony Skinner, author of the Worship SmartBook? It’s filled with practical and often profound insights for worship leaders and their teams. I highly recommend it.
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 Question: What was happening in your worship world this weekend?