One way to encourage wholehearted worship in your personal life is to engage in spiritual experiences beyond your normal routine. Holy Week is rich with opportunities to connect in a deep way with God’s story. Not just by reading or listening but by participating. Many traditional as well as modern churches host one or more of these services. Check out something in your area and see what you learn. The links below are to Wikipedia articles that give background for each event.

Some Holy Week experiences:

  1. Seder Passover diner

  2. Noon-time eucharist.

  3. Tenebrae service

  4. Maundy Thursday

  5. Good Friday services at noon or evening

  6. Easter Candlelight Vigil (Saturday night)

  7. Easter Sunrise service (Sunday at sunrise)

  8. Easter Resurrection Sunday service

I’ve found attending these types of services to be enriching. They’ve helped me understand the roots of the Christian faith at a deeper level.  A primary inspiration for this pursuit was reading Robert Webbers “Ancient Future Time” and my studies at the  Institute for Worship Studies .

Last night we experienced a Seder dinner and it was awesome! This week I also plan to attend my first Tenebrae service.

What about you? What Holy Week experiences have been meaningful to you? What would you be interested in discovering? Leave your thoughts in the comments. We love comments!