I’ve been very blessed to connect with next generation thought leaders like Jeff Goins (Wrecked) and Tyler Braun (Why Holiness Matters) . These guys are a voice for the Millennial generation.

[Video] Tyler Braun Interview

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I recorded this interview with Tyler Braun (author, blogger, & worship leader) shortly after my Rock-n-Worship Camp and before my Balkans missions trip,

Tyler’s  book  Why Holiness Matters is must reading not only for 20-somethings, but for worship folks too. His perspective  on “Holiness” is fresh and cuts straight to the heart. This is not the same old recycled dogma and regurgitated thinking of much religious ideology. I found his insights to be invigorating and inspiring.

In this session, Tyler and I talk about the following:

  • How his personal journey through the loss of innocence led to shame, rediscovering the love of God, holiness and writing the book.
  • How and why the Millennial generation is leaving the church in droves.  The loss of (or lack of) authentic community and relationships is a more powerful disincentive than the attraction of well produced services and music.
  • “God has given each of us a calling.  Living that out is mission for us. We don’t need more preachers on the sidewalk shouting that people are going to hell.”
  • We are all artists telling stories with our lives. God has called us all to be artists. Both great art and a holy life lead us away from ourselves and into the God who desires to be with us.

“Holiness doesn’t start with new behaviors —it starts with new affections.”

Why Holiness Matters, a great book by Tyler Braun

Why Holiness Matters, a great book by Tyler Braun


How to get a free copy of “Why Holiness Matters” and some nice bonuses.

I think this book will bless my readers and have one to giveaway. [Download a free excerpt]

If you would like a chance to win it, just leave a comment below and I’ll randomly pick a winner by September 14. 

In addition, everyone who purchases Why Holiness Matters” and e-mails me their receipt by midnight September 14  will get a set of FREE  bonuses including: a study guide, chapter videos AND a bonus e-book by Tyler “How to Find and Thrive With a Mentor.” E-mail your receipt to (rob at robstill dot com)


Why do you think holiness does, or does not, matter?  Leave your response in the comments. We love comments!

By the way, have you heard about my next missions trip to Sri Lanka? Read about it here. 

Stay in the loop! :