January 2012 marked great progress for this blog, which just concluded the 11th month of it’s re-invention.  Page views dramatically increased in January by over 137%.

Here’s the top 20 posts for the month in case you missed any.

What’s cool is many of these were written before this month. That means people are finding my evergreen content in the archives. And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

I genuinely hope these articles encourage a deeper understanding of wholehearted worship, whatever the context.

Thanks to everyone who is reading!

1. Tim Tebow, David Bowie, Jimmy Fallon = T-Bowie

 2. Ultimate Guide To The Best New Years Motivational Blog Posts

3. What Is Worship? 3 Organizing Scriptures

 4. January 8 Worship Recap

5. 3 Biblical Principles for Goal Setting

6. Guidelines to Evaluate A Worship Service: Questionnaire (Pt 2)

7. Misty Edwards: Worship is A Real Conversation with God

8. January 15 Worship Recap

9. How to Develop a Worship Ministry: 6 Key Concepts

10. Practical Theology of Worship: Landing Page

11. Why Worship Dude is Running the Country Music Marathon

12. 12 Super Practical Tips for Worship Leaders Starting Out
13. Why Bother With Church Worship?
14. How to Make a Prayer Sandwich
15. How to Practice the Presence of God with Psalming
16. Be A Voice, Not An Echo
17. Guidelines To Evaluate Your Worship Service: Overview (Part 1)
18. About
19. 9 Vocal Heath Tips For Worship Singers
20. For Those Who Mourn